Church services for us take place on Saturdays, beginning at 10am. When you come to the front door you’ll be greeted by one of our welcomers who will show you where to go.
At 10:00am we begin our main service, which brings everyone together (kids and youth included). During this time, you can expect a variety of songs, prayer, a children’s story (the kid’s go up the front for this), and a practical Bible-based sermon. This usually takes us until about 11:30am.
From 11:15-11:30am we have a short break and you can use this time to meet someone new or enjoy some of the refreshments on offer. The refreshments are served near the kitchen (next to the playground).
From 11:30-12:30am our program is called Sabbath School. For the kids, this involves songs, activities, and Bible lessons. For the youth and adults, it’s an interactive Bible discussion.
Kids and youth programs are down the hallway to your right (see Children’s Programs and Youth Group for details). Everyone else is in the main auditorium.
For the adults Sabbath School program, there is first a couple of songs followed by a feature talk by one of our church members. Afterwards, they divide into smaller groups for a lively Bible discussion. These groups are formed in the same room and are usually between 10-15 people. If you are new to the Bible, feel free to just listen, or if you feel comfortable, we would love to hear what you have to say!
Afterwards, you are welcome to stay and talk and if we are having a lunch that day (4th Saturday of the Month) you are invited to join in. If you’re a visitor, this one’s on us!
If you have any extra questions, please contact our Pastor.
Or, you can continue learning about our church.